The 5 green citrus fruits:
It is a pure coincidence that today everyone can taste the precious Agrumino Procidian Liqueur.
This tasty liqueur is the result of an ancient family recipe, whose origin is lost in the stories of the Di Costanzo family, from the small island of Procida, well known for its sailors and its fragrant citrus.
The original recipe was developed at the end of the '40s by Mrs. Sofia di Costanzo, who made it for her family, and saved the details on a small book that has never been found.
Until the 60s, the family was able to appreciate this elixir made of the infusion of several citrus fruits from Procida, but no one of the descendants of Mrs. Di Costanzo has ever knew about the exact recipe and the secrets of this liqueur. They thought it was lost forever.
In the mid-90s, Armando Avallone and Giacinta Di Costanzo, with the support of the expert sommelier Antonio Aversano, tried to reproduce the recipe. The first results obtained were good but something was missing from the original recipe, the old family recipe books were of no help and the construction of the liqueur had practically become a torment for Armando and his wife Giacinta; it was she who had a sudden flash: "the limo is missing, the missing citrus is the limo!!!". This intuition allowed them to relive the emotions that only that ancient elixir could convey, and a few months later the Agrumino became the digestivo for the Avallone-Di Costanzo family.
Today the Agrumino is one of the top sellers in the Corricella collection, a very scented digestive with a high alcohol, which is handcrafted by the careful selection of 5 green citrus fruits hand-picked on the Island of Procida. This precious nectar is enclosed in an elegant bottle with a paper label embellished with a FeBe's painting, the coordinated collar and the dark wooden cap.
Traditional procidian digestivo obtained from the union of 5 different infusions of green citrus fruits of the island.

Corricella Mandarino Liqueur is a fine liqueur made in compliance with the Procidan liqueur tradition.
This refined "fine pasto" comes from the infusion of sweet Procidan mandarin peels in a high quality alcoholic solution.
A sweet, silky and pleasant liqueur on the palate that brings to the table all the scents and the colors of Procida island, where the cultivation of mandarins has always been handed down from generation to generation, and often the small citrus groves represented an important part of the dowry to be given to the daughters on the occasion of the wedding
This precious nectar is enclosed in an elegant bottle with a paper label embellished with a FeBe's painting, the coordinated collar and the dark wooden cap.

Our traditions, our citrus
Tradicional procidian "fine pasto" obtained from the infusion of precious Procidan sweet mandarin peels.